People Who Eat Jerk Chicken

Saturday 30 June 2012

Phillip Reeve: Successful or Unoriginal?

Despite the fact I still haven't finished reading "Facing Up" I have begun to read Fever Crumb, a book written by author Phillip Reeve and is the prequel to the successful "Mortal Engines series".

To start with, I have only read the first few chapters of the book, although it has impressed so far. Set in a post apocalyptic and steampunk world. London and other cities seem to be moving, how this is I have yet to comprehend. These cities are lorded over by a group of warlords known as the Scriven. 

The book follows the story of Fever Crumb, an engineering apprentice, with a name that sounds like they should be from Jamaica and have a haircut like Skrillex.

There are multiple books in the series, as well as there being another series set in the same world. There are two reasons for this, either the series have become extremely successful and people refuse to get bored. Or, the most likely option, Phillip Reeve is REALLY unoriginal.

But anyway, the book is good so far and I shall blog again once I have read more.

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